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세례 요한 세례자 요한(히브리어: ????? ??????)는 기원전 1세기 말에 팔레스타인 지방에서 예수 그리스도를 심판주로 묘사하는 설교를 하면서 사람들에게 세례를 준 예언자이자 세례자 즉, 예수가 세상에 올 것을 예고한 에언자이다. 요세푸스 플라비우스사가에 의해 확인되고 있는 역사상의 인물로서 역시 기독교의 신약성서에서 예수가 요한에 의해 세례를 받은 것으로 언급되고 있다. 요한이 당시에 주로 세례를 베풀었던 활동에 비추어 그의 이름 앞에 ‘세례자’(개역한글판이나 침례교용 개역한글판에서는 세례, 혹은 침례)라는 별명를 붙여 부르며, 인도 유럽어에서 부르는 세례자 요한은 대개 다 ...
1학기 > 과제
Apr 01, 2011.1284Views
CNN Student News March 30
Media Literacy Question of the Day What role do you think that the media might play during a public health incident? What kind of information, if any, do you think should be provided through the media during such an incident? * The media gives us basic and crucial information such as what happened, where it happened, ...
1학기 > 과제
Apr 01, 2011.1284Views
A Story
Embarassing Experience  One day, a college student had a embarassment in the morning. When he woke up, it was already past ten o'clock and his roommate was brushing his teeth with his toothbrush. He didn't get out of bed because he felt something weird inside the blanket. When he moved a bit, he found himself wet! He ...
1학기 > 과제
Apr 01, 2011.1284Views
Egypt’s Military Leaders Face Power Sharing Test
Article WASHINGTON ? The two military officers who have risen to power in Egypt are members of the very elite that benefited from the reign of President Hosni Mubarak. Now the question being raised here and in Cairo is whether they can figure out a way to share power with a restive population that for decades has had none. Bo ...
1학기 > 과제
Mar 25, 2011.1284Views
CNN Student News March 23
Media Literacy Question of the Day How do you think that journalists can maintain the audience's interest in a story that has lasted for several weeks? * They could maintain their interest by reporting the same story from some different point of views * Reporting something new about the story could help maintain ...
1학기 > 과제
Mar 24, 2011.1284Views