






관리자 로그인
Korea Times 06-10
China’s double standard on N. Koreahttp://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/06/116_67338.htmlChina's double standard on the reclusive state's belligerent behavior has prompted experts to speculate over its motives.double standard : 이중잣대belligerent : 적대적인, 공격적인, [명사 앞에만 씀] (격식) 국가가 전쟁 중인 / 발음 : http://endic.naver.com/en ...
언어 > Korea Times
Jun 11, 2010.1312Views
Korea Times 06-01,03 Composition of Eyes
North Korea wants to keep Gaeseong complex openhttp://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/06/116_66797.htmlAlso companies with debts or owing overdue wages to workers in the North will have to settle the unpaid bills first.overdue wages : 채불임금The Gaeseong project has combined South Korean capital and know-how with cheap ...
언어 > Korea Times
Jun 01, 2010.1312Views
Korea Times 05-26,27,28 *
[2010-05-26] Clinton backs Seoul’s response to NK threathttp://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/05/120_66559.html[2010-05-27] Is China getting tough on North Korea?http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/05/205_66610.htmlAmid growing international pressure on Beijing to play a proactive role to resolve the cr ...
언어 > Korea Times
May 28, 2010.1312Views
Korea Times 05-24, 25 - 군 부대 단위
[2010-05-24] Seoul halts trade, shuts sea lanes to NKhttp://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/05/116_66412.html As part of its own countermeasures, South Korea has banned North Korean ships from using any sea routes under its control and suspended all inter-Korean trade and exchange except for aid programs for infants ...
언어 > Korea Times
May 26, 2010.1312Views
Korea Times 05-19 / ensure / assure / insure
[2010-05-19] Somebody is watching youhttp://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/05/117_66156.htmlHave you ever got that eerie feeling that somebody is observing or even recording every move you make and every word you utter?utter : 2. (입으로 어떤 소리를) 내다; (말을) 하다 / 발음 주의 * http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?entryId=0e19d4d ...
언어 > Korea Times
May 20, 2010.1312Views