






관리자 로그인
Week 5: Homework Recording
What is the main idea, supporting ideas, and takeaway from your presentation? What are the things that your group must know for your presentation to be a success?   Main IdeaUnification should be done whatever it costs.  Opening Idea- 박근혜의 통일대박론 : 최근 들어 통일에 대한 논의가 정부차원에서 진행되고 있다.- 설문조사 결과 발표 : 통일에 대한 사람들의 인 ...
3학기 > 중급영어주제토론(1)
Apr 09, 2014.1216Views
설문조사 항목과 분기 결산
북한에 이산가족이 있는 분이 가족 중에 있는가?Of the all family members, is there any member who has long-lost family members in North Korea?북한에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가? (긍정적/부정적)What do you think of North Korea? (Positive/Negative)현 정부의 대북정책에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가? (긍정적/부정적)What do you think of the current policy towards North Korea?현실적으로 통일이 실현가능하다고 ...
3학기 > 중급영어주제토론(1)
Apr 01, 2014.1216Views
2nd Week - Recording format
Introduction Hello, my name is….. I am responding to your post about…..   Compliment I enjoyed your post on…. I agreed with (many) of your points…… I would agree that…. I feel the same as you do.   Rebuttal, Response or Feedback I would agree that….., but….. Have you consid ...
3학기 > 중급영어주제토론(1)
Mar 14, 2014.1216Views
1주차 녹음 대본
What do I want to be in the future? This is what I have thought over for more than 20 years. I couldn't answer this question until just recently, but I decided to become a public officer by studying for and taking exam.  If I become a public officer in the future, there will be definitely a situation where I have to expre ...
3학기 > 중급영어주제토론(1)
Mar 12, 2014.1216Views