






관리자 로그인
CNN Student News May 21, 2010 Tension of Korea
We know that Fridays are awesome, but you know what today's show could use? A mascot! mascot : (행운의) 마스코트 / 발음 주의 *** http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?entryId=1706c73811954a229f279db3840a7038The Minerals Management Service is part of the U.S. Interior Department. It's in charge of regulating offshore oil drilling. It ...
언어 > CNN
May 22, 2010.1243Views
CNN Student News May 20, 2010 somethings hard to understand
There's also a question of what this all means for incumbents, politicians who are currently in office and are running for re-election ( 45초 )Specter was a Republican until a year ago. In a Democratic primary, it hung like an anvil around his neck. So did his 30 years in the Senate, set aside for a congressman with four years ...
언어 > CNN
May 21, 2010.1243Views
CNN Student News May 19, 2010
CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: Get ready for globetrotting. You geography gurus are gonna love today's edition of CNN Student News;globetrot : 세계 (관광) 여행을 하다 / world trip(?)guru : A guru is a person who some people regard as an expert or leader. 전문가, 권위자The U.S. embassy calls it a "deplorable act of violence." A NATO spok ...
언어 > CNN
May 20, 2010.1243Views
CNN Student News May 18, 2010
No one's campaigning for the oval office here, but there are a ton of congressional races taking place all over the country. ( 28초 )a ton of : 많은congressional races : 의회 경쟁The big day is in November, but before then, states are holding primaries. (45초)primaries And BP executives say they're having some success with t ...
언어 > CNN
May 19, 2010.1243Views
CNN Student News May 14, 2010
What we have back here between Elmer's Island, which is what we're standing on, and Grand Isle is, I like to call it an estuary. It's a vibrant ecosystem, and it's also an important breeding ground for shrimp. So, it's ecologically and economically very important to the local community. ( 1분57초 )estuary : (강이 바다로 흘러들어 가는) 어귀 / ...
언어 > CNN
May 15, 2010.1243Views