






관리자 로그인
Descriptive Assignment: Ro Moo-Hyun
There was a great person who I admire most. His name is Ro Moo-hyun, the ex-president before the incumbent president MB. When I recall his figure, He stands wearing a black suit with the government badge on his left chest. He has normal height, and has a gracious, but sometimes charismatic, face. He was brave enough ...
1학기 > 과제
May 05, 2011.1243Views
영어주제토론 과제03
Background 1. Who organized the function? This movie night was organized by International Student Organization at HUFS 2. Where and when it was held? It was held at BRICs little theater, graduate school building. It started from six p.m to about 9:30 p.m 3. Purpose of the function The last ISO Movie Night was about turkish mov ...
1학기 > 과제
Apr 30, 2011.1243Views
Debate: Human Rights in China
Article from NY Times 27, AprilBleak Outlook for U.S.-China Talks on Human RightsBy ANDREW JACOBSPublished: April 27, 2011BEIJING ? By many accounts, the two decades of off-again-on-again human rights talks between the United States and China have been tedious and unrewarding exercises in diplomatic theater. If the Chinese are ...
1학기 > 과제
Apr 30, 2011.1243Views
Translation: Oliver Twist
Analysis1. About the authorCharles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England. He was educated from a private school, but as his father was imprisoned for a debt, he had to work for ten hours a day in a factory that produced shoe polishes. He was employed in the factory as a apprentice, and had to work in a miserable workplace. T ...
1학기 > 과제
Apr 25, 2011.1243Views
법원 방문기
법원에 들어서면서  3월 10일 오전 9시, 견학을 위해 생애 처음으로 법원을 찾았다. '법원'하면 우선 재판이 떠오르고 그 재판에서 쓰이는 무겁고 전문적인 용어들, 그리고 그 재판의 승패가 갈리는 것 정도가 떠오른다.대전에서 서울로 올라와서 우리나라 지방 법원 중 최고로 일컬어지는 서울 지방 법원에 도착했다. 건물 부지가 꽤 넓은 것이 이렇게 넓을 필요가 있는지 의문이 들기도 했으나, 한 바퀴 돌아보니 그 넓은 땅에 지방 법원 건물뿐만 아니라 고등 법원과 그 외 건물도 들어서 있음을 알 수 있었기에 금새 수긍이 되었다.법원의 건물은 확실히 법원 주위의 건물들과 뭔가 다른 ...
1학기 > 과제
Apr 15, 2011.1243Views