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완성 글쓰기 자료 모음
[2011.05.09] 블리자드·e스포츠계 스타크래프트 갈등 푼다http://isplus.joinsmsn.com/article/743/5465743.html?cloc= [2011-03-31] 곰TV, 스타크래프트 독점 권리 반환 "지적재산권 분쟁 어떻게 되나"http://bntnews.hankyung.com/apps/news?popup=0&nid=05&c1=05&c2=05&c3=00&nkey=2011033 ...
1학기 > 과제
May 16, 2011.1243Views
Debate Assignment: Safe Water
Article from Radio Free Asia 05, May, 2011China's Drinking Water Polluted2011-05-03An expert blames official corruption and failure to implement 'sound policies and good laws.' AFP Local residents fish in a polluted river in Beijing, March 29, 201 ...
1학기 > 과제
May 10, 2011.1243Views
Translation Assignment: Of Studies
Analysis 1. About the author Francis Bacon was a major philosopher in the age of Renaissance who rejected the scohlar philosophy and established his modern philosophy 'empiricism', which focuses on human's rational analysis of data obtained by observation and experimentation of the world. He introduc ...
1학기 > 과제
May 08, 2011.1243Views
Debate Assignment: Aging Populatio ...
Article from Japan Times March, 8, 2007 Realizing the potential of an aging society By DAISAKU IKEDA Japanese society stands on the cusp of change. Starting from this year, large numbers of the postwar baby-boom generation will reach retiremen ...
1학기 > 과제
May 06, 2011.1243Views
Shadowing Journal: Obama Victory Speech
Link: Obama Victory Speechhttp://elections.nytimes.com/2008/results/president/speeches/obama-victory-speech.html# 2011.05.05 - 스크립트를 안 보고 오바마의 말을 따라 발음하려니 내 발음 소리가 방해가 되어 오바마의 말이 들리지 않는다.- 우선은 스크립트를 보면서 해야 할 것 같다. 스크립트를 보면서 해도 오바마의 발음 속도를 따라가기 벅찬 지경이다. 조금 익숙해진 다음에 스크립트 없이 도전해야 겠다.- 익숙지 않아서 그런지 발음도 어렵고, 꼬이고, 혀가 쉽게 피로해진다. 2011.0 ...
1학기 > 과제
May 06, 2011.1243Views