






관리자 로그인
CNN Student News 2010 March 11 *
The House Homeland Security Committee is holding these hearings to look into the radicalization of American Muslims.(0:30)Some critics called the hearings an unfair attack on loyal Americans. But Representative Peter King, who's the chairman of the committee, says that the goal is not to condemn Islam as a religion or Amer ...
언어 > CNN
Mar 12, 2011.1216Views
CNN Student News 2010 March 10
The space shuttle: For more than 30 years, it has been part of our vocabulary. Soon, it will be part of our history. The winged spacecraft is unmistakable, an engineering marvel. Without it, the international space station could not have been built.(2:12) unmistakable : 오해의 여지가 없는, 틀림없는 ALVIN DREW, SHUTTLE DISCOVERY ASTRO ...
언어 > CNN
Mar 11, 2011.1217Views
CNN Student News 2010 March 07
They were able to fend off Gadhafi's troops in the city of MisrataWitnesses said the rebels used machine guns, sticks, anything they could find against the military's tanks and heavy artillery. (0:38) fend off : 을[~의 공격을] 막다 2. (질문·비난 등을) 막아내다[피하다] witness : 윗니스 That's the lowest unemployment has been since April of '09. ...
언어 > CNN
Mar 08, 2011.1216Views
CNN Student News 2010 March 03
 Which of these documents discusses freedom of speech? Is it the: A) Declaration of Independence, B) Preamble to the Constitution, C) Gettysburg Address or D) Bill of Rights? Preamble : (책의) 서문; (법령 따위의) 전문(前文); AZUZ: The First Amendment, to be specific. People have the right to exercise their freedom of speech, eve ...
언어 > CNN
Mar 04, 2011.1216Views
CNN Student News 2010 March 02
JILL DOUGHERTY, CNN FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: The U.S. calls it a reign of violence by Colonel Moammar Gadhafi and his cohorts, and it's setting in motion a range of options to stop it. HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: Nothing is off the table so long as the Libyan government continues to threaten and kill Libyan ...
언어 > CNN
Mar 03, 2011.1216Views